Data Loader


MS SQL Server and PostgreSQL Datatypes Comparison

By: Hassan Shareef,
Database Administrator
Since 16 years

 Created: Oct-2024
Modified: Oct-2024

Selecting the appropriate database management systems (DBMSs) requires understanding their differences in data handling, performance and features. Microsoft SQL Server (MS SQL Server) and PostgreSQL are two widely-used relational database management systems (RDBMSs), both built around SQL standards but which differ in terms of implementation of datatypes and functionalities.

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If you are thinking of transferring data from MS SQL Server to PostgreSQL or vice versa, then the following article might be useful to you. In this article we will be discussing the various datatypes available in both RDBMS's and any differences in their behavior.

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Common Datatypes in MS SQL Server and PostgreSQL

Both MS SQL Server and PostgreSQL support a wide array of datatypes, including standard ones like integers, strings, and dates. However, the names and behavior of these datatypes may differ between the two RDBMS's.


Numeric Datatypes

Datatype MS SQL Server PostgreSQL Notes
Integer datatype INT INTEGER Both platforms support signed integers.
Big Integer datatype BIGINT BIGINT Used for larger integer values.
Small Integer SMALLINT SMALLINT A smaller range of integer values.
Decimal DECIMAL(p, s) DECIMAL(p, s) Precision-based decimal numbers.
Floating Point FLOAT(n) FLOAT(n) Floating-point numbers with precision.
Real Numbers REAL REAL Less precise floating-point type.






String and Text Datatypes

Datatype MS SQL Server PostgreSQL Notes
Fixed-length string CHAR(n) CHAR(n) Both platforms support fixed-length.
Variable-length string VARCHAR(n) VARCHAR(n) Variable-length strings.
Text TEXT TEXT Large blocks of text data.
Unicode NVARCHAR(n) VARCHAR(n) PostgreSQL handles Unicode in VARCHAR.





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Date and Time Datatypes

Datatype MS SQL Server PostgreSQL Notes
Date DATE DATE Basic date storage.
Time TIME TIME For storing time-of-day values.
Timestamp DATETIME, DATETIME2 TIMESTAMP MS SQL Server has multiple timestamp types.
Time with time zone DATETIMEOFFSET TIMESTAMPTZ Stores time with time zone information.





Boolean and Binary Datatypes

Datatype MS SQL Server PostgreSQL Notes
Boolean BIT BOOLEAN BIT in SQL Server stores 1/0 values.
Binary Data VARBINARY(n) BYTEA Storing binary data like images/files.




Other Special Datatypes

Datatype MS SQL Server PostgreSQL Notes
XML XML XML Both platforms support XML storage.
JSON NVARCHAR, JSON JSON, JSONB PostgreSQL has native JSON support.
Array Not Supported ARRAY PostgreSQL supports arrays natively.





Differences in Datatypes

Main Differences Between MS SQL Server and PostgreSQL

MS SQL Server and PostgreSQL both possess unique philosophies and features that make them suitable for specific use cases, aside from datatype differences. Attribute 1 (Licensing and Costs). MS SQL Server is a commercial product with licensing fees; however, there is also a free version (SQL Server Express) with certain limitations available to consumers.

PostgreSQL is open-source and completely free for both commercial and noncommercial use, making it more cost-effective for businesses looking to reduce software expenses. Furthermore, its development and support community makes it more accessible.

2. Operating System Compatibility

MS SQL Server was traditionally only compatible with Windows environments but now also runs under Linux. Even so, most customers prefer Windows environments for its use.

PostgreSQL is designed for cross-platform deployment, meaning it runs on Windows, Linux, macOS and other Unix-based systems, making it more flexible for developers working across different OS platforms.

3. Performance and Scalability

MS SQL Server boasts advanced features, such as in-memory OLTP, columnstore indexes, and parallel query processing; making it suitable for enterprise-grade applications.

PostgreSQL is widely renowned for its scalability, particularly with regards to handling complex queries efficiently and supporting JSON datatypes as well as array datatypes. Furthermore, its Multi-Version Concurrency Control model enables high concurrency without locking rows - something MS SQL Server cannot do effectively.

4. Replication and High Availability (HA) Solutions

MS SQL Server offers several high-availability options such as Always On Availability Groups, Database Mirroring and Log Shipping to ensure maximum uptime for databases.

PostgreSQL supports multiple replication methods, including streaming replication, logical replication and hot standby; each provides for various levels of fault tolerance and redundancy.

5. Extensibility

PostgreSQL is highly extensible, enabling users to define custom datatypes, operators and functions. Furthermore, there is an expansive ecosystem of extensions such as PostGIS for geographic information systems (GIS) or full-text search capabilities (FTS).

MS SQL Server offers extensibility through CLR (Common Language Runtime) integration, which allows the use of .NET languages like C# to write custom functions, but it is not as flexible as PostgreSQL in terms of creating custom datatypes.

6. Community and Support

Microsoft offers its SQL Server customers robust support in terms of customer service, documentation and training resources; however, its development remains tightly controlled by them.

PostgreSQL has an active and diverse open-source community that continuously contributes to the core product. While there is no official customer service, several third-party companies offer support.


MS SQL Server and PostgreSQL are both powerful RDBMS platforms, yet each can serve specific users and workloads differently. MS SQL Server offers feature-rich commercial solutions tailored specifically for enterprise environments while PostgreSQL appeals more towards developers and businesses looking for open-source flexibility, cross-platform compatibility, as well as advanced features such as JSON support and array support.

Understanding the key datatype distinctions, as well as wider functional and scalability differences will help you select the ideal platform for your project's unique requirements.

You can download the Data Loader tool to automatically migrate database from MSSQL to PostgreSQL or from PostgreSQL to MSSQL